

A company specializing in automation technology that combines deep learning and image processing technologies


#Inside NEXTLab

2019-06-04 STS + DIMS

Nextlab's Second Team Day (TEAMDAY)Two or more members of the team conduct outdoor activities such as meals and picnics to promote friendship between the members.This is the second time of Team Day, NEXTLab's differentiated welfare system.This team day will be led by Jung Yong-jin and Cho Eun-bi of the DIMS team.Park Jae-hyun, Kim Sang-yoon, and Kim Ki-bum of the STS team were together.  As a result of the decision of the meeting place, it was selected as Konkuk University Station.As soon as we got together early in the morning, we filled our stomachs at the salad bar.  After the meal, we moved to the massage cafe, Mr. Healing.We sat in the massage chair for about an hour to relieve muscles and fatigue.  Now that we had relieved our fatigue after eating, the last place we traveled to was...It is an indoor shooting range filled with a variety of sports, as well as a bow that pulls demonstrations directly from guns such as rifles and pistols.Everyone's so good at this, putting their heads together until the end of the game.It was so tense that no one could predict the outcome.Let's finish posting looking forward to the next Team Day:) 

#Inside NEXTLab

2019-04-17 SFS + AUTRON + UX

TEAMDAY is one of NextLab's employee welfare.Team Day means that two or more members of a team have a meal, picnic, and other outdoor activities.It is the first welfare system created this year to promote friendship among members.The first beneficiaries are the Smart Factory (SFS) team led by Lee Se-yong.The Autron team led by Kang Hee-ki, Senior Senior Yoon Young-joo and Deputy Manager Jeon Eun-bi.This team day was planned to be two parts in total.The concept of part one was to eat and talk at a brunch cafe with a nice view.The venue was decided to be Yeouido brunch cafe 'All Morning in the World'.It's a panoramic picture of the entrance to the place. It's located in the hot FKI building these days.It's a picture that makes my mouth water just by looking at the meal, dessert and sight.Moving across the Han River, after the chicken with board games and capping off Part 2 :).